Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The meaning of words!

Sometimes I think that I think too much. Acctually, I don't think that but I'm sure others do, and this is probably one of those times. BUT, here it goes.

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of words? Who came up with the meaning? Who came up with the sounds? When did the meaning of a particular word change? Why did it change? Well, I think each of these questions often and, less frequently, try to talk to people about them.

I know that language is always changing and developing over time, even becoming completely new languages occasionally (although I am sure that this process usually involves many decades or even centuries, I know it happened once in history in a much quicker time, within one generation).

What I find interesting, is in all these languages, God still communicates. He acctually transcends all language yet is communicable and communicating at the same time. As a matter of fact language originates from Him.

Remember back when there was nothing but Him, not even light (except Himself, for He is light). There was language however. Think of the Trinity and the perfect communication that has always existed amongst them. Also, think back to how light was acctually created. "And God said..." Language brought forth all creation. Not only did God use language as a means of creation, He used language in naming that which He had created.

Then, as time and history go on, we see God communicate with man in words. We see Him speak with Adam, Noah, Abraham and of course to Moses, who began the written recordings of God's words in the first 5 books of the Old Testament.

Of course, one of the greatest names of Jesus (the second member of the Trinity, God Himself) is the Word as found in John one. In Hebrews it acctuall says that God has spoken to us through His Son.

With all of this, I guess I can see why, Mr. Noah Webster wrote his now infamous dictionary that was first published in 1828. Words are important, and not only the words but there meanings as well.

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