Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Limited Government

This was a letter I sent into our local newspaper in response to an article written about the "illogilcal" idea of limited government. It seems to have been well received.

To the editor: In reference to last weeks "Ted Here"
The Democratic Party's belief in limited government.
Democrats believe that the government should be limited. They believe that the government should be limited how it can spy and upon whom it can spy. They believe that the government should be limited in various techniques of 'interrogation'. Democrats believe the government should not have the authority (should be limited, in other words) to say who can and who can't get married. Democrats believe we should limit our government's say in choices involving women and pre-born children. I believe Democrats want nogovernment when it comes to the funding private religious schools. Democrats speak of limiting the government's involvement in the country of Iraq. I even believe that Mr. Almen wants limited government when it comes to the press and the media. "A free press is the light that shines on the free people!"

The Republican Party's belief in limited government.
Republicans believe that government should be limited in... at least they used to think that it should be limited in controlling speech, religious activity, taxing, education, the economy and others (However, it is my opinion that it has been awhile since they've actually practiced such beliefs).

Really the question is not about limited government. We all want government and none of us want an all powerful government. The question then is this, "how much should we limit the government and in what areas?" What is the role of government? Is it the governments job to take care of us? If so, how and to what extent? Should we have a nanny state or should we have a responsible citizenry?

In what areas should it govern? And in contrast, in what areas should there be freedom? Said another way, "In what areas should we limit freedom (by having government)?"

"He who governs least, governs best." Thomas Paine

"A government that is big enough to do everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything that you have." Gerald Ford (Ronald Reagan repeated this often)

"Were we to be directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread." Thomas Jefferson

"Man will ultimately be governed by God or tyrants." Benjamin Franklin

"Power over a man's substance is power over his will." Alexander Hamilton

"State or government is the social apparatus of compulsion and coercion." Ludwig Von Mises

Thanks for pondering these things with me,
Micah Driscoll

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say 'nice response'. One problem I'm having this year is that the farther left both of the major parties get, the farther to the right my opinions get. We need a central government, but it seems like they have really overstepped their bounds. They just keep slowly takeing more power, more programs/spending, more people dependant on them - at what point do we say STOP... OK deep breath, I'm better now.

    The other problem I'm having is that I tend to get so wrapped up in the stuff (they should do this, shouldn't do that, they're wrong, how can they think that) when the reality is - we have little control over others - and the change (at least for me) needs to start with my heart - and I need to look in the mirror because I want to be in a closer relationship with God but really haven't done much to prove it, and in fact let the anger that I feel turn me away from Him.

    I'll leave you with a quote that I have thrown around a lot this year. "I will not attempt to discover whether a legislation is needed before I have first determained whether it is constitutionally permissible" Barry Goldwater
